Photocatalysis Slats

Photocatalyst Slats use ultraviolet and visible light energies in sunlight and fluorescent light and kill bacteria and other organic substances and eliminate odors.

Oxidatively decomposes grease and other organic substances!
Oxidative decomposition of grease, tobacco stains, and other organic substances that accumulate on slats. Photocatalysis Slats resist dirt and are easy to clean.

Powerful oxidative decomposition of microbes for easy maintenance
Oxidative decomposition of coliforms and other microbes that can proliferate on slat.
  White fluorescent lamp exposure
Photocatalysis slat Unprocessed slat
Bacteria count immediately after transplant 190,000 190,000
Bacteria count 24 hours later 10 or fewer 17,000,000

Oxidatively decomposes odor sources to prevent odors from taking hold!
Oxidative decomposition of the odor of food, cigarettes and pets in addition to that of formaldehyde (a cause of sick house syndrome) for pleasant air.

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